History of Mystoria

Age of Myst

... 1500

This era, being the dawn of exsitence, is more mythical and less defined by precise timekeeping. It's a period where time may have been perceived differently due to the strong presence of wild magic and the creation of the world.

Era of Enlightenment

1501 4000

A period marked by significant advancements and stability. It is known for the flourishing of cultures, the establishment of education and magical institutions, and the expansion of knowledge.

  • 1539 E

    1546 E

    Whispering Sands Oasis Destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    An evil mage wages war on the Whispering Dunes Oasis and its people. At the end of the long war, there are less than 300 people left, too little to sustain the oasis. The people migrate to other settlements, leaving behind their protectors, the Sandstone Golems to protect their land.