World Ember Journal

These are my thoughts and notes while working on World Ember 2023. I'm not publishing them as I don't want them to count in World Ember itself. I'll be updating this periodically during the month of December 2023.  
Word Count: 1802   Yesterday was the first day I worked on my World Ember world building. I wrote a little over 1800 words which is 800 more than I was planning to write. However, I didn't work on any of my planned articles.   I wanted a way to see the world through one person's eyes without getting inside the heads of my main characters or having to character hop to world build. I created a character, Elandor Starwhisper, Historian. He is there to watch and record his overserations. At this time, I'm not planning to put him into the Frostfall book. It's more of a fly on the wall situation.   Today, I'm planning to work on the central plot of the book, Frostfall. Ember Stormrider has fallen prey to this condition. Her father, Blaze Stormrider's concern and love for his daughter sends him on a quest to find a cure.   4:30 PM
Word Count: 2949   I finished writing the articles Frostfall and Ember Stormrider, two of my planned articles. I'm going to write the next entry in the Chronicles of the Historian of Zephyr's Haven. Elandor will be meeting Blaze Stormrider and answering a bunch of questions from Ember.   7:26 PM
Word Count: 3636   I'm finished writing for the day. I completed Entry 2 of the Chronicles of the Historian of Zephyr's Haven. Tomorrow, I want to work on writing the articles about Blaze Stormrider and Pyra Stormrider.  
9:45 PM
Word Count: 4716   I'm almost half way to 10,000 words. Two or three more days like this and I'll have meet the World Ember goal. However, I want to push past that and see just how many words I can write this month. I finished one of my planned articles: Blaze Stormrider. Blaze is the main character of Frostfall. He's going on an epic quest to save his daughter's life. Will he find the cure in time? Dum, Dum, Dum...  
2:05 AM
Word Count: 5756   I'm a little over half way to 10K words. I'm trying to get my 10K completed before the 16th as that is when I'm leaving to go visit my parents. Anything written after the 16th is all a bonus. I finished the article on Pyra Stormrider. This finishes up the Stormriders. The next bigger article is Skyler Wingstrike, Blaze's best friend and guard partner. Then, I have several more character to write about for this ensemble cast (Mentor, Foil, & Love Interest).   I want to write short ~100 word articles for each of the occupation of the characters so that I can go back and link to them. Plus, I want to write ~150-200 word articles on the locations around town that are important. There's a lot going on and I'm still in the town of Zephyr's Haven. Blaze and company will also be traveling to find the cure to Frostfall, so there will be towns along the way and, of course, The Library of Arcane Winds, an ancient library and warehouse, in the Whispering Dunes Oasis located in the Solitude Sands.   There is a lot to do and not all of it will be completed this month. My plan is to start writing the book in April's Nanowrimo Camp. So, I'll continue world building in the new year.  
12:17 AM
Word Count: 8362   I should be able to finish the 10K word count later today once I've slept. I wrote Elion the Arcanist and set up the Mystorian Calendar, The Mystorian Wheel of the Year, today, plus 10 mini articles. I define mini articles as articles that are over 50 words, but under 200-250 words. I had a bunch of occupations and titles to write about, but I didn't need a full article for any of them. I knocked all ten of them out in a little over 2 hours.   Later today, I have a few more mini articles to write. These are on the species of Mystoria. I wrote an overall article on these: Mystoria and its Species, but I want to go a little more in depth for each one. Also, writing a mini article for each species means I can link to them in my longer articles.   Someday, these mini articles may need to be rewritten and filled out more, but that is a Future Kat problem.   Also, I have three characters that I want to write in depth articles about: Astral Spellweaver, Orion Dreambinder, and Skyler Wingstrike. All three have roles to play in Frostfall. Plus I have a list of 10 townsfolk that I want to write mini articles for.   I don't know if I'll get all of that written tomorrow, but I'm going to try. After that, I need to write longer articles about locations, settlements, and buildings. There are fourteen of these articles so far. Not all of it needs to be written in December, but I do need it done by the end of March.   1638 words to 10K. Almost done.  
12:15 AM
Word Count:10,234   I did it. I wrote the last of the 10K words. Tonight, I completed all the main characters that I'm planning to have in Frostfall. Skyler Wingstrike and Orion Dreambinder were the last two.  I have a few minor characters (NPCs) that may or may not show up that I need to write mini articles for, but those can wait. I want to work on some of the locations next, but I may not get to those until January.   I'm leaving to visit my parents on the 16th and I have a lot to do to get ready. I'm taking my laptop with me to my parents and if I have time, I may work on some of the locations while I'm there. We'll see.

Cover image: Mystoria World Header by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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