Blaze Stormrider

Blaze Stormrider

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I'm a 34-year-old Pyrodrake. I've the kind of build you'd expect froma guy who's been a city guard for the last 15 years. My skin's seen its fair share of sun. Now, it's rough and dry. Too much patroling.    My eyes? They're like flickering flames, a dead giveaway of the fire that is in my soul.

Special abilities

I haven't met a fire that could make me burn, but then again I haven't tested out all the types of fires. My dad once said that he saw a fellow Pyrodrakes man burned alive with Mage Fire. I haven't met a magic user that could produce Mage Fire, so I don't know if I would burn or not. Not that I would want to test it out.

Specialized Equipment

My uniform is armor made from Fire Dragon Scales - tough as nails and etched with flame patterns. And yeah, I've got this pansexual pride emblem I wear. It's part of who I am , and I'm dame proud of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born and raised in Zephyr's Haven, right on the edge of the Echoing Plains before you get to the Solitude Sands. My life's been all about being a city guard. I keep and maintain the peace of our town. My family is my world. I have one daughter, Ember Stormrider, and my mother, Pyra Stormrider, moved in with us when we found out that Ember has Frostfall.


I am pansexual. I'm attracted to individuals. I don't really care what someone's gender identity or what they were born with.

Personality Characteristics


Everything I do is for my daughter, Ember. She fighting this nasty magical disease called Frostfall, and I'm hell-bent on finding a cure. I'm ready to take on the world and all its dangers to save my daughter.

Virtues & Personality perks

I'm passionate and determined, especially when it comes to looking after my own. I believe in duty and standing up for what's right. Sometimes those two clash.   I'm pretty even tempered, but I can get fierce if the situation calls for it. Bravery and resilience are my strong suits, but I've been known to act first and think later on occassion. This usually gets me in trouble.

Vices & Personality flaws

I can be a bit too protective at times,a nd my jump first, ask questions later attitude has landed me in hot water a time of two. Balanceing my job with being a single dad, even with my mom helping out, is tough. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling short on both fronts.


Contacts & Relations

My best buddy, Skyler Wingstrike, we're like family, been through thick and thin. We're partners in the city guard. Astral Spellweaver, Skyler's other half, well, we've got our differences, but we're on the same team when it comes to protecting Zephyr's Haven. We have a new neighbor, Elandor Starwhisper. Ember seems to like him. I've only spoken to him for a few minutes, so I'm not sure what to make of him. As for the rest of the folks in town, from my fellow guards to the people we are sworn to protect, I take those relationships to heart.

Family Ties

Ember, my daughter, she's my reason for everything. My mom, Pyra, she been my rock, full of wisdom, strength, and potions.
Current Location
Current Residence
Enigma Rest
a mix of red, orange, and yellow
Long and Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
rough and dry
6' 2"
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Pyrodraken
  • Galelect

Cover image: Mystoria World Header by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI
Character Portrait image: Blaze Stormrider by Kat Sanders & MidJourney AI


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