Ember Stormrider

Ember Stormrider

Hey, I'm Ember Stormrider. I'm 11 years old and, well, things are kinda weird for me right now. I live in this cool place called Zephyr's Haven, and I'm a Pyrodrakes - that's a fancy word for someone who's supposed to be all about fire and heat. But guess what/ I'm not felling very fiery these days.   I've got this super strange sickness called Frostfall. It's super rare and it's making me feel cold all the time, which is really odd for a Pyrodrake like me. My skin is always chilly, and when I breathe out, it's like a mini freeze! Oh, and sometimes, I cough up actual ice. How weird is that?   I used to be able to handle heat, but now I'm always shivering, even when it's hot outside. And I have to be super careful because my bones are getting fragile. The healers say it could get worse, like my insides could start freezing. Yikes!   My dad is the best. He's a city guard and super strong. He's leaving soon to find a cure for me. My grandma is going to watch me while he's gone. She a hedge witch. She says she has a bunch of spells and remedies to try. She's not sure if they are going to work or not.   I really miss hanging out with my friends and being normal, you know? i want to go back to school, play, and not worry about being cold all the time. Dad's best friend and their wife are going with my dad to find the cure. They are going to a really dangerous area called Solitude Sands. I know they'll find something because my dad is a hero.   I'm trying to be brave, but it's hard sometimes. I just want to be warm again and run around without feeling like I'm going to break. I've got to keep hoping. Dad will fix this, I know it. He always knows what to do.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I'm kinda small for my age - almost 4' tall and 52 lbs. I have this really cool white blond hair and bright amber eyes. They are just like my dad's. Ever since I got sick with Frostfall, I've been really pale and cold.

Apparel & Accessories

I wear really warm clothes, even in the middle of Summer because of my condition. I'm always feeling chilly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I've lived in Zephyr's Haven my whole life. It's a really neat place with lots of magic around. There are market and festivals but I don't get to go to them anymore because of being sick. I hate Frostfall.


I don't get to go to school right now. My grandma is teaching all the basic things I need to know. On my good days, she'll let me help with making potions.

Personality Characteristics


I just want to get better. I'm tired of being sick. I want to go back to being warm and play with my friends. I want to make my dad proud of me and show him that I'm strong, just like him.

Virtues & Personality perks

I'm really creative. I like drawing and writing. They are quiet activities that I can do in bed on bad days.

Vices & Personality flaws

I can be pretty stubborn. Sometimes, I don't listen as much as I should, and I guess, I can be a bit impatient too.


Contacts & Relations

I don't really have any friend anymore, since I don't go to school anymore. I don't have enemies, but this sickness, Frostfall, feels like a big, mean enemy I'm fighting.

Family Ties

I have my dad and my grandma. Mom died when I was born. It's just the three of us now.

Social Aptitude

I'm usually pretty cheerful and curious about everything. I love asking questions and learning new stuff. i gues you could say I'm brave, but sometimes I get scared, especially now with being sick and all. I try to be happy, though. My dad says I'm strong, and I want to believe that. I don't give up easily when things are tough.
Current Status
Sick and Dying from Frostfall
Current Location
Bright Amber
Long, White Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and cold
3' 11"
52 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Pyrodraken

Cover image: Mystoria World Header by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI
Character Portrait image: Ember Stormrider by Kat Sanders & MidJourney AI


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