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WorldbuildingWizard Progress Report


A species of humanoid hyenas that have recently emerged from The Great Desert.

401 words


141 words

Herbivorous Dinosaurs

Ancient and powerful reptillian beasts that bask in the hot Orubian climate. These ones eat vegetation. Lots of it, and not much else.

541 words

Carnivorous Dinosaurs

Ancient and powerful reptillian beasts that bask in the hot Orubian climate. These ones eat meat. Lots of it, and not much else.

551 words

Omnivorous Dinosaurs

Ancient and powerful reptillian beasts that bask in the hot Orubian climate. These ones will eat pretty much anything.

395 words

Orubian Art

139 words


181 words


Small omnivorous dinosaurs that often hunt along shallow river banks and use their wings to create a shield to block the sun.

93 words


Small omnivorous dinosaurs that are easily identifiable by their huge rodent-like teeth which are bright ochre yellow in colour.

78 words


Small omnivorous dinosaurs. These winged beasts frequently steal eggs and small birds from unguarded nests, as well as fruits and berries from trees as it climbs.

93 words


Small omnivorous dinosaurs. Their remarkable appearance makes their side profile very flat, allowing them to sneak along forest floors and stay flush against tree branches without standing out.

116 words


Medium sized omnivorous dinosaurs that have a large frill of spiny loose skin that hangs from their jawline and down their throats that are coloured in bright hues of red, orange and pink.

106 words


Medium sized omnivorous dinosaurs. Their broad wingspan is tipped with two huge claws that are razor sharp and are barbed like a plant thorn.

100 words


Medium sized omnivorous dinosaurs. These stumpy dinosaurs forage whatever they can find, including leftover carrion and unguarded eggs.

76 words


Large omnivorous dinosaurs. Despite their slow and looming presence, these dinosaurs will charge at an alarming speed when threatened and are capable of tramping anything in their path.

96 words


Large omnivorous dinosaurs. They live in drier climates, particularly on the fringes of The Great Desert and are sandy in colour. They have four horns down their snouts, with the largest being at the bottom.

122 words


Huge omnivorous dinosaurs. These incredibly large beasts are a rare sight, and are easily identifiable by their sheer size and double row of sharp, spear-like spines that run down the length of its back and down its tail.

117 words


Small herbivorous dinosaurs. They are easily recognisable by their broad, flat wingspan which allows them to glide for very great distances with ease.

87 words


Small herbivorous dinosaurs. They can easily forage for themselves, but they prefer to let other species do the work for them.

107 words


Small herbivorous dinosaurs. As their name suggests, they are long necked and narrow of body. Their scaled legs allow them to stand tall and watch out for predatory threats.

99 words


Small herbivorous dinosaurs. These inquisitive little dinosaurs have a quirky movement pattern in which they use a hopping momentum to spring forward. They are light enough not to make too much sound when doing so.

111 words


Small herbivorous dinosaurs. They are incredibly fast and survive by evading their natural predators. They are recognisable by their large crescent shaped plate extending vertically from their heads.

98 words


These adorable little beasts have short stubby wings that make them incapable of flight. They are adamant that they can fly, and you will frequently see them attempting to do so by stumbling out of high branches and flapping frantically as they fall.

132 words


Medium sized herbivorous dinosaurs. These jungle dwelling dinosaurs have excellent camouflage due to their dappled green and brown patterns on their scales.

85 words


Sized herbivorous dinosaurs. These winged beasts have a combination of fine vibrantly coloured plumage and dark scaly legs that make them look incredibly exotic. Their bright colours make them an easy target for predators.

110 words


Medium sized herbivorous dinosaurs. These staunch beasts have a very large forehad in the shape of a sloping wedge that they use for lifting fallen logs and other obstacles in search of food.

107 words


Medium sized herbivorous dinosaurs that are similar in appearance to Orubian Rhinoceroses. They are much larger and have heavy plated armour protecting their shoulders.

98 words


Medium sized herbivorous dinosaurs. These creatures look a great deal like a large, armoured water buffalo. Their thick scaley skin makes it difficult for predators to bring them down.

99 words


Large herbivorous dinosaurs. These huge beasts grase in the vast plains of the savannah and are able to defend themselves with their threatening display of huge horns jutting out from their foreheads.

106 words


Large herbivorous dinosaurs. As their name indicates, they have incredibly tall foreheads, which they use for nudging ripe fruit off of high branches, or for headbutting the trees to make the fruit fall.

107 words


Large herbivorous dinosaurs. They are easily recognisable by their wide faces, almost in the shape of a blacksmith's hammer.

78 words


Large herbivorous dinosaurs. They have very elongated faces that make reacing higher branches much easier. They have stubby forelegs but long and sturdy hindlegs.

89 words


Huge herbivorous dinosaurs. These gargantuan beasts are a rare sight and resemble a heavily armoured porcupine as big as a house and covered with impenetrable layers of sharp spines.

99 words


Huge herbivorous dinosaurs. These sleepy giants hibernate in a deep sleep for hundreds of years in isolation and could easily be mistaken for statues from an ancient civilisation.

97 words


Huge herbivorous dinosaurs. These beasts are a rare sight and are easily identifyable by their sheer size, and also their large mane of stripy spines that help protect their neck from predators.

106 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. These little creatures are incredibly fast and use their speed and numbers to bring down prey much larger than themselves.

89 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. They are easily recognisable by their speckled green markings and large saber teeth. These dinosaurs are jungle dwelling and rarely explore the plains of the savannah.

101 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. They are very fast and have an identifiable frill of stripy, colourful spines that run down their backs. They hunt in small groups for larger prey but are happy to scavange as well.

116 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. These dark skinned dinosaurs have large blue splotches on their backs and have an identifiable mane of fine blue feathers around their head and jawline.

99 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. These feisty creatures genuinely beleieve that they can take on species that are much larger than themselves. They often succeed due to their vicious and aggressive behaviour.

102 words


Small carnivorous dinosaurs. As their name suggests, they have several rows of incredibly tiny teeth that line their mouths, each one being a barbed shape which makes it difficult for prey to escape.

110 words


Medium sized carnivorous dinosaurs. They are incredibly agile and have long tails that aid their balance, which comes in handy when climbing rough terrain and chasing down prey.

99 words


Medium sized carnivorous dinosaurs. Their increidble speed allows them to run in short bursts of energy to hunt down almost any prey, however, they need to rest and recover their energy between each sprint.

111 words


Medium sized carnivorous dinosaurs. These large winged creatures circle above the fringes of the jungle and across the savanna in search of unwary prey to swoop down on from above.

103 words


Medium sized carnivorous dinosaurs. These ancient beings dwell in the rivers of Orubia and pull their struggling prey below the waters with their powerful jaws.

103 words


Medium sized carnivorous dinosaurs. This beast is easily recognisable by it's large curled horns and bright blue gums, supporting two rows of sharp gnashing teeth.

95 words


Large carnivorous dinosaurs. These tall creatures are easily identifiable by their thick, barbed, yellow tails that they use to swipe at other predators during a fight.

96 words


Large carnivorous dinosaurs. They have a large, flat head with seven horns protruding from it that they use as a large shield to defend themselves, but also as a means of delivering a lethal headbutt.

113 words


Large carnivorous dinosaurs. As their name suggests, these flying creatures have a huge wingspan and are capable of flying for great distances and performing many acrobatic feats in the skies.

103 words


Large carnivorous dinosaurs. As their name implies, they have incredibly large saber teeth that can puncture even the toughest of hides. They may not be fast but they are very strong.

106 words


Huge carnivorous dinosaurs. They have a long, sweeping tail that ends in a large claw that looks much like a farmer's sickle. It uses this to sweep the grasslands for unsuspecting prey.

107 words


Huge carnivorous dinosaurs. They are easily recognisable by their sheer size and also for their two long tails. They are very fast for their size and can reach alarming speeds.

104 words


Huge carnivorous dinosaurs. This gargantuan beast is named for its huge teeth, with two saber teeth extending downwards from the top row. There are very few predators who can take down these giants.

109 words

Master Plot

Gnolls want to conquer Orubia before their leader dies and are having trouble achieveing this using their own forces alone because the native settlements are heavily defended with magic users and tamed dinosaurs.

276 words


Vibrant folk, full of music, laughter and self-expression. They are dark skinned, born with natural magical abilities and a hunger to create art, music and happiness.

524 words


133 words


Ancient and powerful reptillian beasts that bask in the hot Orubian climate.

1503 words

Tamed Dinosaurs

Ancient and powerful reptillian beasts that have been tamed with potent jungle herbs over time.

311 words

The Bahari Desert

A vast golden wasteland of endless sand dunes at the edge of the Orubian savannah.

138 words

WorldbuildingWizard Progress so far

9978 words 99.78% completed!

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