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Riddlefist Progress Report

The Tree

266 words

The Vagabond

352 words

The Huntress

160 words

The Fox

101 words

The Dragon

171 words

The Gyre

164 words

The Reflection

258 words

The Desire

267 words


563 words

Sakri Dhelrat

Charming and highly self-amused bard (played by Iri)

206 words

Matheas the Blind

648 words

Yselle the Serene

228 words

Dhirgid the Burnt

567 words

Flojj the Inspired

1072 words

Nomzadir the Gaunt

109 words


734 words


719 words


780 words


339 words


611 words


537 words


Dwarf druid and Hensear of Fogwhale

546 words


Ayenkhen Abbot of the Spidermonks

303 words


Stone giant Lord of Torenkh

506 words


739 words

Skoln Svindsson

Kywjin apprentice to Lord Grunvonin

308 words


The Storm Moon

360 words

Jadapa Jujo

Grandfather Spider, weaver of the Suspended Abbey

319 words


Ayenkhen Awakened and owner of The Eye of the Spider

284 words


Silkie fortune teller

157 words


486 words

Glyshke nia Mara

208 words

Filaethric Berringston

Aged human druid and coenhreffnor tender

287 words


Sea panther, spirit of the Fwyfarrighang

353 words


845 words


965 words

Sinful Tinkers

2158 words

Riddlefist Progress so far

17998 words 179.98% completed!

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I have tried in my way to be free.

Interests & Hobbies

Shaking my fist at passing clouds.

Favorite Movies

Lots. Most recently, Swiss Army Man and Sorry To Bother You. Lost in Translation and Brazil are up there too.

Favorite TV Series

Halt and Catch Fire, Penny Dreadful, Doctor Who, Firefly, The Good Place, Neon Genesis Evangelion... off the top of my head.

Favorite Books

Probably The Brothers Karamazov and Infinite Jest, at the risk of sounding pretentious.

Favorite Writers

In no order: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Terry Pratchett, Patrick Rothfuss, David Foster Wallace, Haruki Murakami, Iain M. Banks, Salman Rushdie. Jorge Luis Borges too, but I really need to read more of him.

Favorite Games

Xenogears is at the top of the list, for its crazy ambition. Really like the Persona games, although I still haven't finished 5. Played a lot of Final Fantasy XIV so that should go on here too, probably.