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Nijoloblob Progress Report


Small fishing village

247 words

Amazon rainforest

Largest rainforest in the world

57 words

Sinead Inglis

Excited scientist that really, really likes storms.

1091 words

Mark Covacks

Widowed father doing his best to care for his daughter

543 words

Season 1 "Stormrise" Episode 1

A story of Marissa and Voyager's first meeting, their introduction to a strange coastal town and how they saved a little girl from...something?

306 words

The Captain's Room

Batterlee Tavern

242 words

Old Batterlee Abbey

Historical tourist attraction

601 words


A device similar to the 21st century's smartphone, now featuring holographic displays and often worn as a small bracer on the forearm.

454 words

Vicar Lucy

Vicar of Batterlee

641 words

Season 1 "Stormrise" Episode 2

A story of how Marissa and Voyager helped a storm-crazy scientist find shelter, and the first hint that this is no ordinary thunderstorm...

649 words


A legendary status amongst entertainers of all types.

150 words


Specialists in the area of metal and circuitry.

229 words

Nijoloblob Progress so far

5210 words 52.1% completed!

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Hi, I'm known online by either Nijoloblob (Nij, for short) or BasicallyAMarshWiggle (but you can call me Mr Wiggle, if you feel like being especially formal). I'm a youngish guy from Australia that constantly finds himself thinking: "This story would be so much better if...", and then including it as a part of a plot in my worlds somewhere.

Favorite TV Series

Series? Well, I find myself coming back regularly to the Star Wars series, especially if my beloved Mandalorians are involved. I'm also a budding Trekkie, but I'll see how that pans out in the years to come.

Favorite Books

Really enjoy Terry Pratchett's series - the Tiffany Aching books would probably be my favourites.

Favorite Games

So many. TTRPGs are a current favourite of mine and (like so many others) is what inspired me to set up a worldanvil page where I can micromanage the lore, characters, locations and how it all fits together!

Latest Loved work

Talents in the Crucible

Delta Naval Forces


Chapter Charter