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FantaPop Progress Report

Village of Bénin

A small village, cursed by the ancient temple within it.

519 words

Village of Cavers

A small fishing village on Béluire.

72 words

Town of Eberwald

57 words

Town of Knoksen

59 words

Town of Levannois

336 words

Town of Maienrus

A medium-sized port town located on the eastern side of the Thalcona Peninsula.

409 words

Town of Orteaux

59 words

Events of the World

A highly controversial recent history of events in the Ashani Kingdom, written by a declared madman.

37 words


The volatile and ostracized offspring of the Divine beings governing Ustos and the mortal races.

860 words


The native peoples of the Kingdom of Ashain.

92 words


A medium-sized island off the northwest coast of Braks Eshai.

111 words

Aghal Lightbeard

An older dwarven woman leading the Synod of Nine that governs Stoneshade.

50 words

Celasaer III

A controversial historical author, whose books are heretical to own.

131 words

City of Muerphia

The capital of the Kingdom of Tord and third largest city of Braks Eshai.

35 words

The Continent of Braks Eshai

The second largest continent on Ustos.

43 words

Curethil Dorthellothl

An author about whom not much is known.

90 words

Dwali Blackblood

The leader of the governing body of merchants of Crossroads.

43 words

Eldartas Stormdancer

The eldest shaman of the Thorns of Ordad and a member of the Council of Nine that governs Bearmaw.

75 words


A humanoid race distantly related to other hominids.

256 words

Ernam Rawley

Guildmaster of the thieves' guild and councilman of the Council of Nine.

112 words

Findalye Pyrepeak

The leader of Summershire.

58 words


The smallest species of living hominids.

322 words


A smaller humanoid species closely related to Humans.

279 words

Hamlet of Stoneshade

A small Dwarven hamlet in the Milcaster River Valley known for the extensive mines underneath it.

163 words


317 words

Hysta Cindertale

52 words

Joane Eddyn

The abbess of the Temple of Koerwe and a councilwoman of the Council of Nine that governs Bearmaw.

77 words

Lesym Byne

Guildmaster of the Silver Swords and councilman of the Council of Nine that rules Bearmaw.

80 words


Fae-Touched, or High Elves, are a subrace of Elf descended from the Fae of the Spring Court.

1037 words


Forest, or Wild Elves, are a subrace of Elf descended from the Fae of the Summer Court.

1141 words


Chthonic, or Dark Elves, are a subrace of Elf descended from the Fae of the Winter Court.

1163 words

Aelthryth Chauvennes

The governess of Mythward.

128 words


66 words

Nathye Hames

59 words

Nerwenye Valine

77 words

Roul Heartlock

282 words

Town of Dragonvein

A large coastal town in Braks Eshai, known for its market.

2430 words

FantaPop Progress so far

12159 words 121.59% completed!

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Part-time artist and author, full-time scatterbrained language nerd.

Interests & Hobbies

Linguistics and Conlangs, Worldbuilding, D&D, Fiber Crafts and Embroidery, and a whole lot more.

Favorite Movies

Fantasia 2000, The Princess and the Frog, Angels and Demons, Thor: Ragnarok, and Howl's Moving Castle.

Favorite Books

Good Omens; Hold Me Closer, Necromancer; His Dark Materials; and the Cassell Dictionary of Slang.

Favorite Writers

Christopher Hart, Mark Rosenfelder, David J. Peterson, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchett.

Favorite Games

ESV: Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fable, RPG Maker (MV and VX Ace), Left 4 Dead 2, and Glass Masquerade.