A legion of Eldritch Angels, transformed by their god into a silent and secret legion of warriors
Artists of War, Painters of Blood, the sanguine legion utilized Arcana Sanguis and slaughtered all in their path.
Widowers in Ozlith joined this legion, and became the right hand of their dark goddess, a goddess of death.
One of the seven legions of Ozlith, The Mad Legion's centurions were the first to utilize Rage
An arcane shortcut to grant one arcane power, or hinder an enemy with the sounds of sizzling flesh.
The place of learning and study where all Estoyan bards find themselves at one time or another.
The first bard, Gregori Darset discovered how to create magic from art.
The Divine follow a hierarchy that is generally based on power and in some cases prevalence of worship.
An infinite set of Ethical Domains that center around more Positive aspects of reality.
An infinite set of Ethical Domains that center around more negative aspects of reality.
The tale of Ozlith's rise and fall.
A set of islands to the east of Estoya, they are known for the warring religious cults that live there.
The term used to define towns, cities, and homesteads on the outskirts of Estoya's capital
Referred to as Cosmology, The Goetic Art is the study of ethical domains and is often considered a branch of conjuration.
A dangerous region filled with rolling hills and ruins from a lost civilization. The region borders Estoya and Mhirriah.
A group of small provinces joined by its theocratic government.
The Highlands mark the eastern region of the Mhirriah. The Highlands are cold, bitter, and home to some of the fiercest warriors Mhirriah has to offer.
The central hub of Mhirriah, this wet and rainy region is home to a brutal people who live in an equally brutal land.
A reclusive group of warriors in the Mhirrian Highlands that make use of Rage
A strange for of Battle Meditation that involves psychological triggers, arcane reaction, and divine intervention
Shamans who have been able to bind a particularly powerful ocean spirit and have been given a great many gifts as a result
A hearty alliance of several races that live in isolated cities beneath mountains and earth.
Kidnappers of spirits, exorcists, and more, the shamans are those who walk between two world.
Ailments that reality itself suffers found all over the world.
The followers of the void, the main antagonist of the game.
My name is Dylon, and I've been writing as a hobby for the better part of 16 years. I've dabbled in many genres and styles from essays to poetry, short stories and rpgs. Currently, my primary worlds are Expedition Demeter and The Web. I'd love to know what you think, and I'd love to see what you have and take a look, maybe give a critique for the same! :)
Rpgs, worldbuilding, writing, music...
The Fountain, The Zero Theorem, Marvel Movies, so many
Also many, Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, Outlander, Stranger Things... so many...
House of Leaves, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Pride and Prejudice, Dresden Files...
Lovecraft, Caintlin R Kiernan, Neil Gaiman...
Anything from software, For Honor, Mass Effect, Destiny, The Secret World...