SAGE_metaverse Progress Report

Enter the Metaverse. A constantly evolving story and timeline shaped entirely by the players.

Leonardo Watch

Leonardo Watch, also known as Watcher-0, is the leader of a task force known as the Watchers, tasked with recording history, so it is always remembered.

17032 words

Prototype Angel Halo

In the 11th hour before Twilight of Imagination, those who survived Menevelon's initial attack worked tirelessly to find a way to bring back what was lost. One such project was given the codename Angel Halo.

2451 words

SAGE_metaverse Progress so far

19483 words 194.83% completed!

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The mascot of the Metaverse RPN and primary maintainer of the Metaverse RPN Eternal Codex. Do you want to make your mark on a meteversal scale of history? Join us today! We can't wait to meet you!

Enter the Metaverse. A constantly evolving story and timeline shaped entirely by the players.

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The Dawn Throne
