DMFW Progress Report

Blue Home

883 words

Green Home

519 words

Cold Comfort

263 words

Theramiston II

306 words


237 words


403 words

The Bubble

207 words

The Limitation

357 words

Silusia Alpha

611 words

The Barren Reaches

164 words


255 words

Gall V

358 words


1834 words


938 words

Author's Notes

1536 words


155 words

Flicker Drive

1655 words

The Luminal Forge

204 words

The Great Hammer

262 words


303 words


1473 words

Cold Orbiters

275 words

G-Lift Engine

475 words


770 words


235 words

The Zed Men

291 words

The Pasteracht

225 words

The Republic

384 words

DMFW Progress so far

20559 words 205.59% completed!

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Interests & Hobbies

Software development. Digital Art & AI art.

Favorite Movies

Star Wars (well, the original trilogy anyway...). Alien, Aliens, Dune (the 2021 version). Pulp Fiction.

Favorite TV Series

Breaking Bad. Game of Thrones. Stranger Things. Fallout.

Favorite Books

Klara and the Sun, Norwegian Wood, Gormenghast, Our Friends from Frolix 8, In Viriconium, Perdido Street Station, Lord of the Rings, Handmaid's Tale, The Earthsea Books, The Fountains of Paradise, Jagged Orbit, Pixel Juice, Bleak House, War and Peace, Consider Phlebas, The Martian Chronicles & far too many others to mention...

Favorite Writers

Kazuo Ishiguro, Haruki Murakami, Mervyn Peake, Philip K Dick, M. John Harrison, China Mieville, J.R.R. Tolkien, Margaret Attwood, Ursula K. le Guin, Arthur C Clarke, John Brunner, Jeff Noon, Charles Dickens, Tolstoy, Iain M. Banks, Ray Bradbury & too many others to mention...

Favorite Games

Computer : Fallout III, Skyrim, Half Life, Elite Dangerous.   PS5 : Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tushima, Fallout IV   Board : Chess (and online)

Latest Loved work

Kelmu the Everflowing

Tangled Roots of Rage

Montsilt United

The Wicker Man

Clara Bellows

The Moons
